Top Brand Consultancies to Hire in 2024

Kaine Levy
July 13, 2024

In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about brand consultancies.

We will cover how to work with a brand consultancy to achieve significant business growth, as well as which one might be the best fit for your business.

What Is a Brand Consultancy?

A brand consultancy, or brand strategy agency, is an external team that works directly with CEOs, CMOs, and leadership teams on their brand strategy.

An effective brand strategy captures all elements necessary for positioning and growing a successful brand. This is particularly important for any business that lives in a competitive market or has a limited resources that need to be spent efficiently.

A brand consultancy may be engaged on a number of different levels from one-off brand audits all the way through to ongoing consulting. The level of engagement will depend on the needs and size of the company that is hiring them.

Brand consultancies and brand strategists are very similar roles and carry out essentially the same tasks. We don't see any need to differentiate the two for the purposes of this article.

What Services Do Brand Consultancies Provide?

Brand consultancies offer a range of services designed to create clarity and direction on the growth of a brand.

These services may include:

  • Running stakeholder workshops: this is a great way to allow all voices to be heard in building the brand.
  • Setting a strong company vision, mission, and purpose: this helps to align the leadership team on the direction of the brand. It also helps with brand storytelling, communications, and investment pitches.
  • Building company culture and values: these are pivotal for the growth of a healthy business and brand.
  • Defining the personality, tone, and behaviour of the brand: a unique personality is crucial for standing out in the market and appealing to the right customers.
  • Researching competitors: this ensures you stay on top of industry shifts and allows you to find gaps in the market.
  • Creating customer avatars: also known as buyer personas, it is crucial for any brand to have a deep understanding of their customers. This ensures better marketing success, sales conversions, and product & service development.
  • Writing the brand story: every brand needs a great story. This helps to create deeper connections and brand loyalty.
  • Developing a positioning strategy: this is one of the most important parts of any brand strategy. A strong position ensure your company is known as the go-to option for the products and services you sell.
  • Naming/renaming and taglines: your brand's name is the first impression you get to win over potential customers. If it doesn't appeal to them, they won't be interested in learning more about what you offer. A strong tagline is important for helping them recognise and remember your brand.
  • Roadmap creation: a strategy is powerful but it needs to be executed on. A roadmap helps you break down the exact steps needed to take your brand from where it is now to where you want it to be.
  • Ongoing consulting: to keep your brand on-track to its strategy, goals, and positioning. Brands require constant evolution to keep up with market changes, and this is a great way to do that.

These services come together to create the brand strategy, helping it grow faster and more effectively.

What Role Do Brand Consultancies Play in Your Business?

Typically, a brand consultancy will act as an external agency that works with the business for a defined period of time. They exist to serve the needs of the leadership team whilst challenging existing beliefs that may be holding them back.

In longer-term arrangements, they may have a more "hands-on" role, supporting the ongoing decisions and actions taken by the brand. This keeps them on-track to their goals, allows them to continue adapting to market changes, and ensures they are staying true to their positioning strategy. Essentially, they are acting as a support system for the business when it comes to their branding efforts.

When Should You Work With a Brand Consultancy?

There are some very clear stages of your business journey where hiring a brand consultancy would be wise.

Here are the top 10 reasons you should know:

1. You're Starting a New Brand

This is one of the best times to work with a brand consultancy, especially if you have existing capital or investment.

Engaging a brand consultancy as this stage will help you set the direction from day one and prevent you spending money on the wrong things.

It ensures your new brand has its own position in the market and a group of customers that are ready to buy what you're selling.

2. You're Pivoting or Repositioning an Existing Brand

A significant change in your business plan, products and services, or market position is a crucial time to reassess your brand.

Your brand strategy should always be aligned with your business strategy. A brand consultancy can help you do that with a fresh perspective and new market insights.

3. Your Business Growth Has Stagnated

Engaging a brand consultancy can be a great way to break through roadblocks in your business.

Oftentimes we're too close to the daily operations. By seeking outside advice, it can shed light on new opportunities to grow the brand and business.

4. You're Trailing Behind Competitors

These days, most markets are saturated. It is more important than ever to find your unique market position than can help you stand out.

In order to do that, you need to know what options exist on the market right now and what competitors are doing. Then, you can figure out a strategy that helps you lead the way instead of constantly copying existing trends.

A brand consultancy can conduct a thorough competitive analysis to bring new insights to light about your industry, revealing gaps in the market you didn't know about.

5. You Want to Understand Your Customers Better

Without customers, you don't have a business. The better you can understand your customers, the better you can craft your products, services, and communications for their specific needs and challenges.

A brand consultancy can carry out quantitative and qualitative research as well as build customer personas (or buyer avatars) to achieve this.

6. You're Developing New Products & Services

Developing new products and services can be risky and expensive but it is a necessary part of any business' growth.

With the help of a brand consultancy, you can build prototypes and test your idea on the market in affordable, creatives ways. This is typically done through a series of workshops, usually called a design or brand sprint.

This will help you gather product-market fit without the significant costs typically associated with launching a new product or service.

7. You Need a Fresh Perspective on Your Brand

Sometimes, an outside perspective or a simple brand audit can change the game. This is especially true if you've had the same marketing team for a while or overly structured processes that haven't changed.

Together with a brand consultancy, you can help discover where the sticking points are. You can then update or refresh your branding according to the insights gathered.

8. You're Seeking Investment

Investors get excited by brands not businesses. Why? Because businesses are just machines for selling products and services with repeat success. Brands, on the other hand, communicate the big idea behind that people can latch onto.

Brands bring with them a vision, a mission, and an origin story. Together, they can turn your corporate pitch deck into an idea that investors yearn to be part of.

These aren't just statements you throw together. They need to be coached out organically by an expert brand consultant for them to really connect.

9. You Want to Build Your Company Culture and Values

The only other thing as important as customers is your staff.

A company with clear values breeds positive company culture. Positive company culture creates a team that is motivated and more productive, yielding better overall results for the business.

A brand consultancy can help you define your values and steer clear on the clichés that people immediately recognise as inauthentic.

10. You Want to Improve Your Communications

Having a clear communications framework will improve your sales conversion rates and your marketing ROI.

A brand consultancy will base your communications on the research they did on your customers, ensuring everything is tailored to their desires and pain points.

How to Choose the Right Brand Consultancy For You

Before you dive into the top 15 brand consultancies to work with in 2024, you'll want to know what to look for.

You should know that every company on this list is reputable and experienced. However, the differences mainly lie in their level of establishment, the type of clients they work with, the type of work they specialise in, where they are based, and the costs associated with hiring them.

Ultimately though, the choice will come down to whoever feels like the best fit for your brand. We recommend booking a call with your top 3 choices and going from there.

The Top 15 Brand Consultancies to Work With in 2024

In no particular order, here is our list of the top 15 brand consultancies and brand strategy agencies to work with in 2024

There should be something for everyone in terms of needs, budgets, and scope.

1. Ventur Agency

Who they are: specialists in brand strategy and consultancy, driving business growth and enhancing brand presence.

Where they're based: United Kingdom

What makes them unique: their holistic approach to brand-building, combining stakeholder input with market insights to validate strategic decisions.

Who they serve: SMEs and startups across sectors, primarily B2B and service-based businesses, focusing on those aiming to innovate and strengthen their market position.

Standout successes: significant brand transformations, and the highest client satisfaction rating as indicated by Google reviews.

2. Saffron Brand Consultants

Who they are: experts in crafting memorable brands that stand out and drive growth.

Where they're based: United Kingdom, Spain, Austria, Turkey

What makes them unique: their strategic approach to brand identity, leveraging cultural insights and design to create meaningful connections.

Who they serve: diverse clientele, ranging from emerging startups to established global enterprises across various industries.

Standout successes: their collaborations with iconic brands and institutions worldwide, showcasing their ability to elevate brand experiences across sectors.

3. The Brand Consultancy

Who they are: specialists in transforming brands through deep insights and strategic brand management.

Where they're based: United States

What makes them unique: their proprietary approach to uncovering a brand's true essence and aligning it with customer expectations.

Who they serve: mid-sized to large organisations across various sectors.

Standout successes: a solid track record of revitalising brands and enhancing their market presence.

4. Big Fish

Who they are: branding agency that focuses on creating standout packaging and brand identities for consumer brands.

Where they're based: United Kingdom

What makes them unique: their strategic approach to brand design that's not only visually appealing but also deeply resonates with the target audience.

Who they serve: ambitious startups and established companies looking to make a significant impact in the consumer market.

Standout successes: partnerships with notable brands in the food, drink, and consumer goods sectors.

5. LPK

Who they are: global brand design and innovation agency that crafts brands with emotional resonance and strategic insight.

Where they're based: United States

What makes them unique: their ability to merge creativity with data-driven insights, ensuring brands not only stand out but also connect deeply with their audience.

Who they serve: large enterprises and multinational corporations looking to innovate and elevate their brand presence.

Standout successes: a history of successful collaborations with leading global brands across various industries, demonstrating their expertise in brand transformation.

6. Prophet

Who they are: global consultancy that specialises in brand strategy, digital transformation, and growth acceleration.

Where they're based: United States, United Kingdom, China, Germany, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong, Singapore

What makes them unique: their future-focused approach, integrating business strategy with customer insights and technology.

Who they serve: large and medium-sized businesses, including Fortune 500 companies, seeking to innovate and stay ahead in their respective industries.

Standout successes: a track record of transforming and driving growth for world-renowned brands across a multitude of sectors.

7. Siegel+Gale

Who they are: global brand strategy, design, and experience firm known for simplifying complex brand challenges.

Where they're based: United States, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, China, Japan

What makes them unique: their philosophy of "Simple is Smart," focusing on clarity and simplicity to enhance customer experiences and brand value.

Who they serve: caters to large enterprises and multinational corporations, aiming to streamline their brand messaging and improve customer engagement.

Standout successes: notable success in transforming brands and driving growth for clients across various industries, demonstrating their expertise in creating compelling brand narratives.

8. Interbrand

Who they are: pioneering consultancy known for driving brand growth through strategic analysis and creative solutions.

Where they're based: United States, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, China, Australia, Japan, United Arab Emirates, India

What makes them unique: their innovative approach to blending strategy, analytics, and creativity.

Who they serve: Fortune 500 companies and major brands seeking transformative growth and a strong market presence.

Standout successes: a history of elevating brands into global icons, recognised across various sectors.

9. FutureBrand

Who they are: global brand transformation company that specialises in combining brand strategy with creative design to innovate and grow brands.

Where they're based: United States, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, France, Switzerland, Colombia, Chile, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Peru, United Arab Emirates, India, China, Australia

What makes them unique: forward-thinking approach to transforming companies and their brands to better connect with the future.

Who they serve: large corporations and multinational businesses across various sectors, aiming to redefine their global brand strategy and identity.

Standout successes: achieved significant success in repositioning brands across industries, making them leaders in their sectors.

10. Landor

Who they are: renowned for its strategic brand consulting and design expertise, helping businesses craft agile and iconic brands.

Where they're based: United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Netherlands, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Norway, Spain, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, India, China, Japan, Hong Kong, Korea, Indonesia, Singapore, Australia, Mexico, South Africa

What makes them unique: the combination of creativity, innovation, and strategy to anticipate market changes and consumer trends.

Who they serve: large and multinational companies, focusing on those looking to evolve their brands for future relevance.

Standout successes: a portfolio of success stories, including work for some of the world's most recognised brands across various industries.

11. Evviva

Who they are: a brand agency that combines strategic insight with creative solutions to empower brands and their people.

Where they're based: United States, United Kingdom

What makes them unique: their emphasis on evidence-based strategies and deep market insights to drive brand transformation.

Who they serve: large enterprises and multinational companies, offering services that span from brand strategy to employee engagement.

Standout successes: a history of successful partnerships with significant players in the tech, energy, and retail sectors, demonstrating their capability to revitalize and reposition brands.

12. The Brand Consultancy

Who they are: brand strategy agency helping organisations identify and articulate their unique value.

Where they're based: United States

What makes them unique: their deep dive approach into brand insight and strategy, ensuring alignment with business objectives.

Who they serve: mid-market companies, Fortune 500s, associations, and nonprofits across.

Standout successes: transformative work across sectors, proving their ability to elevate brand perception and performance.

13. Starfish

Who they are: branding and creative services firm dedicated to crafting compelling brand identities and strategies.

Where they're based: United States

What makes them unique: personalised approach, focusing on understanding and expressing each brand's unique story and values.

Who they serve: medium and large-sized businesses across sectors, non-profits, educational institutions, and healthcare organisations.

Standout successes: notable successes in revitalising existing brands and launching new ones across diverse sectors.

14. OVO

Who they are: specialists in brand strategy, identity, and design, helping businesses articulate their purpose and connect with audiences.

Where they're based: United States

What makes them unique: their strategic process that blends insight, creativity, and storytelling.

Who they serve: diverse clientele, from non-profits and startups to established corporations across various sectors, focusing on those seeking to differentiate and elevate their brand presence.

Standout successes: successfully rebranded companies, helping them to achieve recognition and growth.

15. Lippincott

Who they are: global creative consultancy that merges design, innovation, and brand strategy to help businesses craft impactful brand experiences.

Where they're based: United States, United Kingdom, Europe, China, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, Australia

What makes them unique: their holistic approach, combining deep insights with creative excellence to innovate brand identities and customer experiences.

Who they serve: a wide array of clients, from startups to Fortune 500 companies across various sectors, aiming to create brands that matter and endure.

Standout successes: successful brand transformations for major global companies, reflecting their expertise in making brands relevant and resonant.


Whether you're focused on culture, design, or strategy, there's a brand consultancy for everyone on this list.

If you're unclear on your goals, consider starting by booking a call with a few companies. Brand consultancies have great facilitators in-house who can help you gain clarity on your direction and goals.

Want to work with Ventur Agency? Then book a call with us here.

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